Track Your Competitors’ Advertising Activities in Real Time

Gain access to 20+ years of ad creative and adspend data
admanGo's coverage spans over 22 media types including TV, Print, Outdoor, Radio, Desktop and Mobile, updated on a daily basis. We provide our subscribers with the largest and most comprehensive data base of all brands’ advertising activities in Hong Kong.

Daily Email Alerts

Database updated real time with email alert every morning
To catch up with all the new ad launches and new product announcements, our daily email alert keeps you up to date the minute you turn on the computer when you return to the office every morning. Our email alerts can also be customized to show ad alerts in the specific category, sub-category or brands that you’re interested in so you can react immediately.

Ad Dashboard

An overview of all the recently launched ads
The minute you log into admanGo, dashboard will show you all the ads launched in the past 7, 14 or 30 days in your specified product category, sub-category or brands in all the media we monitored. Not only does it provide an immediate overview on all the new ad launches and their media usage, it's also done fully automatically without you having to click any button or run any search.

Data Dashboard

Graphs and charts slicing and dicing adspend data and media usage
Our data dashboard provides an instant overview on your product category's advertising spending trends, media share of voice, year on year and seasonality analysis, your competitors spending trends, media usage breakdown and their ad budget share of voice comparison. Again, all the reports are automatically generated without any reconfigurations necessary saving much valuable time and efforts on your part.

Ad Market Overview

Gain insights into the whole advertising market
Aside from your subscribed category, you can also access monthly spending trends, media share of voice and top category/advertiser analysis of the whole advertising market to have a bird eyes view of the advertising scene in Hong Kong. You can always learn a thing or two from fellow advertisers outside of your own product category.

A Comprehensive and Searchable Database

Search function allows access to a complete database of all advertisements in all media launched in Hong Kong over the past 20+ years
Once you have pinpointed the ads that you're looking for, our "1-Click" technology allows you to download, forward, group campaign or export the ads and all their media details to Excel or Powerpoint.

Benchmark your Strategy against your Competition with Media Plan

Does your media strategy stack up to your competition?
Our Media Plan function re-creates any brand’s Media Plan allowing you to see your competitors’ adspend trends, seasonality and choices of media all under one page within a few clicks. You can trace back to the actual ad creative following the symbol marked in the calendar vs media title hybrid.

Daily New Email Alert

Instant notices for all the branded and boosted posts launched by your competitors
If you’re still relying on your own newsfeed to track your competitors social branding and marketing activities, you're likely missing a lot of important posts. With admanGo Social Intelligence email alert, you’ll be able to see a comprehensive list of all your competitors social activities including branded, boosted and even dark posts sitting in your inbox first thing in the morning everyday.

Branded Content Tracking over 5K KOL and Publishers' FB & IG Pages

An overview of all your competitors' recently launched branded and boosted posts
The Dashboard shows a comprehensive list of all branded and boosted posts in the past 7 days launched by the list of competitors you have specified in over 5,000 KOL and Publishers' FB & IG pages. All posts are carefully classified into categories of organic post, boost post, branded content, branded content with boost and editorial content for easy identification of your competitors' every move.

AI - The Magic Behind Our Data

Boost posts detection and adspend prediction using artificial intelligence
A veteran of Ad Monitoring and Adspend Tracking with 20+ years of experience under our pocket, admanGo takes competitive analysis to the next level by engaging the latest technology in artificial intelligence. With a series of metrics data, we're able to detect boost posts and predict its adspend using machine learning.

Branded Content Post-Buy Analysis

Find out exactly where your competitors' investments are
Are your competitors putting their money behind KOL and publishers? Or are they investing heavily in their own brand page? Are they investing more or less compared to you? Our Branded Content Post-Buy Analysis shows you a detailed breakdown of exactly where your competitors' are focusing their marketing effort in social media and their respective ROI based on social engagements.

One Click and Automated Reports

Access your competitors’ strategy and performance with the ease of automated reports
One-Click Downloads and Automated Emails allows you to download professionally formatted Excel and Powerpoint reports at the click of a button or have the reports emailed to you directly on a regular basis. Time spent on manually compiling data is significantly reduced. With a single click, you will be ready for the next social media performance review meeting.

Competitors Benchmarking

Find out how your social media marketing efforts stack up to stay ahead of your competition
We'll show you how your social media marketing efforts compare to your chosen competitors as well as the industry as a whole. These campaign insights not only show your 'social standing' amongst your peers but will also help you discover missed opportunities and where potential growth lies.

Content Insights

Learn from top performers across all industries
admanGo SI helps you identify industry leaders and best performers outside your industry. Go further and monitor more than just your competitors. Find out who in each industry is spending more and doing better than the rest and see what type of content gets best engagement at the current moment.

Market Insights

Constantly update your team with the most popular social media marketing trends
Are there significantly more videos on social media compared to last quarter? What are the top spending industries and which categories are growing the fastest? Who are the top social advertisers? Are marketers investing more on their own brand page or are they putting their money behind KOL and Publishers. If so, how much and which ones? admanGo Market Insights provides a one stop answer to all your questions.

KOL Discovery Tool

Identify the most suitable ambassadors for your brand
To help you navigate through the sea of KOLs, we divide them into categories according to their interests. You will be able to find all KOL's local fans number on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram, brands they have worked with in each platform, analytics of of each of their post engagements and more. It will sure help you identify the KOL of your choice.

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